Clint Davis
Founding Pastor
Pastor Clint Davis was originally saved at a Tent Revival on the corner of Bullis and Rosecrans in Compton decades ago. He wandered as a prodigal a few years as God lovingly and patiently brought him to repentance and self surrender, rooting out anger, bitterness, sin, violence and rage. He rededicated his life to the Lord Nov 3, 1990 on the corner of Wilmington and Spruce and has been going strong in the Lord and Ministry ever since. He has been faithfully Serving and Teaching at several major Los Angeles Area fellowships, helped build a couple church plants and fulfilling His passion of teaching, ministering and leadership/pastoral mentorship and training in fellowships and Bible Colleges. He serves with his beloved wife of 30 years, Monica Davis, has 3 adult children and is prayerfully yet impatiently awaiting grandchildren.

Josimar Lopez
Worship Leader
Josimar Lopez is our Worship leader who wears many hats. He assists with outreach, street witnessing, prayer, admin/leadership and fathers 4 wonderful children with his wife Jennifer. They also host our home prayer gatherings.

Monica Davis
Titus II women's Ministry/ Children's Ministry
Monica is Pastor Clint's Wife and mother of 3 wonderful adult children. She has known the Lord since the age of 5 and served in ministry since her teens. She's also a 30 year+ school teacher. She leads the Titus II Women's Ministry, shares with many women in discipleship and oversees the children's ministry.

Natasha Burrowes-Iorga
Worship Team & Titus II Women's
Natasha was one of the Day One pillars, a wonderful mission-oriented servant, supporting from the inception in prayer, support and every other way with her wonderful husband (now enjoying our Lord's presence.

Jennifer Lopez
Worship Team and Titus II Women's
Jennifer is the "Heartbeat" of the worship team - Drums, Percussion, Cajon. She also assists with Titus II Women's and other areas and shares 4 wonder children with her husband Josimar Lopez. They also host our home prayer gatherings.